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Happy new year of the Yang Water Tiger – invite in your passion and purpose   

The beginning of a new year is an invitation to welcome in the new and let go of the old….

Remembering our connection to the earth – viruses and bacteria are our friends

In this blog, I explore how our connection to the earth has affected our immune system and how to develop…

spring blossom

Spring – Yang rising and mothering ourselves and the earth

I wish you all a wonderful Spring equinox, if you live in the northern hemisphere, albeit a few days late….

Que’est-ce que le shiatsu ?

Qu’est-ce que le shiatsu ? Dans ce blog, je vais explorer ce qu’est le shiatsu, comment il fonctionne et ce…

Happy new year of the Ox

Happy new year of the Metal Ox. This Chinese year, which starts on 12th February and will last until 30th…


Does using hormones for contraception, fertility and the menopause affect our Essence?

What is happening to our essence?  This is an updated version of the original post made in 2013. Please comment…


Extraordinary Vessels and Pregnancy

This is a project written for my “Massage and Pregnancy ” course by Claire Plowright. This course is not for…

Emerging from confinement and on line shiatsu or massage sessions

Although some of us are emerging from our confinement, we are probably going to be gradually seeing more clients face…

Yin and birth death

Nourishing Yin at its deepest level with the Extraordinary Vessels

This is an article I wrote for the AOBTA, American Organisation for Bodywork therapies of Asia in December 2019. I…

mountain water

Covid 19 and the Extraordinary Vessels

Why are the Extraordinary Vessels so important during the Corona pandemic? In this blog I explore why we need to…