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Nebulae with two stars

Nebulae with two stars (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’d like to share with you a poem I was inspired to write recently:

Children of the stars

Breathe in

Stars shimmering scattered above

Spreading outwards

Sparkling and fading as clouds mask and sun- light conceals

Breathe out

Sand slipping and sliding below

Covered by waves

We are between

What are we?

Where did we begin?

Does our breath reach outwards to the sand and inwards to the stars?

Children of the stars

Falling inside two celestial bodies embracing

Touching skin and shedding form

Melting into body

Stars gather inside one body

Safe in the ocean of promise

Waves gathering to find a new shore

To rest

To form rocks, stone, shells

To meld into the veins of the earth

Bathed by golden fire of the sun

Softened in the silver fire of the moon

We darken into dust

Is this where we end?

Cone Nebula

Cone Nebula (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Stars shimmering scattered above



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